Insomnia Treatment
Our sleep cycle is directly related to the cycle of light and darkness, created by the rotation of the earth around the sun, known as the circadian rhythm. The hypothalamus regulates our sleep and awakening cycle based on this circadian rhythm. This biological clock can be disrupted by multiple factors such as traveling across different time zones, working night shifts, etc. It is a fact that most people today do not get enough quality sleep. When we do not get enough sleep, we become more vulnerable to the ill effects of stress. Common health ailments, such as fatigue and tiredness, can result from lack of sleep and are increasing in frequency. Most people need between 7- 9 hours of sleep a night and most get 60 to 90 minutes less sleep than they need. A combination of a busy lifestyle, lack of time, staring at the TV and computer screens at night, unbalanced work schedule, etc contribute to this problem. Problems with sleep are our body’s way of warning us about the way we are conducting our life in the short term or long term. The following exercises will help you assess the quality of your sleep and suggest ways of dealing with poor sleep habits.
Some of the signs and symptoms of inadequate sleep quality include:
- Feeling a lack of energy during most afternoons.
- Needing an alarm clock to wake up in the morning.
- Sleeping much later on days that you do not need to get up.
- Falling asleep at night very quickly, within a few minutes.
- Feeling tired most days and could use a nap.
How To Improve Sleep?
- Develop a routine and a regular sleep pattern by going to bed at the same time and getting up at the same time. Your body’s internal clock is highly sensitive to such a routine and any disruption of this internal clock will cause sleep problems. The quality of sleep you get is better the earlier you sleep. Going to bed before 10 pm is preferable. If you stay up too late, usually passed 11 pm, you can get a “second wind” which will keep you awake even longer.
- If you need more sleep, go to bed at least 20-30 minutes earlier at night. Even if you can not fall asleep right away, you can use this extra time to wind down or practice instructions # 3-7.
- Develop a sleep ritual and follow it every night. One hour before bed do not watch TV, work with a computer, pay bills, listen to the news, argue, or engage in any activity which may cause worry or stress. Use this time to wind down by doing any of the relaxation techniques discussed in this book, listening to soft music, reading, or any activity that calms down your mind. Brush your teeth and take care of the last tasks of the night. Turn off the light, lie in bed say a prayer or a positive confirmation (See Instruction # 7-4) statement, and let go of all thoughts.
- Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and on the cool side.
- Do not exercise at least three hours before bedtime and do not take stimulants such as caffeine or certain medications such as Sudafed since they can interfere with your sleep. Do not drink more than one alcoholic drink and do not take any sleeping pills without consulting your doctor since they both can reduce the quality of your sleep. Although a short power nap may be useful, avoid taking long naps during the day.
How to manage insomnia?
- Just before going to bed write down all your worries on a piece of paper and decide to yourself that you will work on them the next day and worrying about them during the night will not help solve them.
- Turn off the light, lie in bed, and say a prayer or a positive confirmation statement including “I fall asleep quickly and easily, I wake up refreshed and alert at the appropriate time and I sleep deeply and continuously throughout the night.” And then let go of all thoughts. Let yourself simply float and drift.
- Whenever you catch yourself obsessing or worrying about something, simply notice the worrying thoughts but do not engage them or try to solve them. Once you have noticed the worrying thoughts, in your mind’s eye, simply take them and place them into a special imaginary box in a corner of a room or in a closet and close the lid tight. You can go back to this box at a more appropriate time when it will not disturb your sleep.
- Once you have put the unwanted thoughts in the special box and put the lid on them return to your special place and dwell in that safe relaxed place.
- If you wake up during the night, stay in bed, repeat the above exercise without turning on the light or watching TV.
- Please remember that sleep happens by relaxing into it and even if you do not fall asleep right away you still benefit by relaxing your mind and body.
- If you are unable to fall asleep despite following the above instructions then get out of bed for a while and do something enjoyable such as reading a book, listening to music, or meditating.
To schedule an appointment please contact us
Carolina Integrative Clinic
Tel: (919) 869-6661
Fax: (919) 301-9349